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US University Degree Programs
Obtain a degree from a high-ranking and globally oriented university.
Fostering Student Success through International Education
Our goals Inclusion: We emphasize economic empowerment and fairly paid job opportunities for women, youth, refugees and migrants and other vulnerable populations. Sustainability: We help economies and micro, small and medium sized- businesses go green and transition towards sustainable development through the circular economy. Prosperity: We leverage technology to narrow the digital divide, use Aid for Trade to support developing countries and build their capacity to benefit from trade. Our mandate We are a multilateral agency with a joint mandate with the World Trade Organization and the United Nations through the UN Trade and Development. Learn More...
INTERLINK language programs offer the following: Intensive English language training for university-bound students and those who need to improve their English for personal Learn More...
AUC Academic Programs Explore ACU members’ academic offerings by visiting the degree webpage of each institution listed below. Canadian University in Mexico (Icanadiense.org) Learn More...
Academically qualified students who do not have the required proficiency in English may be admitted conditionally to any AUC member institution if they Learn More...
U.S. colleges and universities require international students to be proficient in English prior to enrolling in regular academic courses. They generally rely upon Learn More...
ACU enables ease of access to American universities and their intensive English programs.